terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011

clarisse to my parents

hi mum and dad,
i`m having a lovely time at the pantanal
yestarday i went to the camping side and it was really funny ahahhahaahhaah

i miss you all soo muuch love you!

clarisse linda

5 comentários:

  1. Hi Clarisse,
    We are all missing you a lot as well. When are you going to be able to call us? I really want to listen to your voice. How was the camping? Did you like it?
    We love you so much,
    Your family

  2. Hi there, little princess !! What`s up ? And then, how many photograph machines lost in the lake? Does anybody felt down in the lake either? If not, thanks God !! We miss you a lot, of course.
    With love,
    Grandpa and grandma

  3. My love,
    I felt happy when you called us yesterday. We are missing you a lot. Ask Ms Debbie if she can put one picture where I can see you, ok?
    I love you.

  4. hi family! love you all! missingou a lot and i love you all!
    kisses clarisse

  5. My Dear,
    Although I know you are having a wonderful time, I am looking forward to see you. We are missing you a lot. Enjoy your last night as much as you can. Send kisses to Celinha, ok?
    See you tomorrow and do not forget to keep your mobile on.
    With love,
