quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011


Roddsss Sara Mari Lins Pozzaooo Pozzinhoo Nunes Vale,
We are having an awsome time here!! Today we went rafing and it was HI-LARIOUSSS we soaked mr cole and mr robert we loled alotttt!!! We miss you guys soooo much and wissh u were here ud just luvv it its soo gorg hereeee!!
Class 6

Hey guys i miss u all so much and i reallllyyyy wish u were here things are soo funnnn!! sara how was the partyyyyy ??MARRRIIII ROOODDSSSS SAUDADESSS de maissss sara u rock my soksss luvv u alll sooo muuucccchhhhh wish u here......</3 traitorsss.....psshhhtttt jk luv uuu <3

hii guys i miss you guys soo much!! wish you guys were here!!! its really fun and its the best trip ever, but its not the same without u guys.

Hey guys misss u all hope u are having a good time!Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! I luv uuu

Photos of Bonito - Gruta Lagoa Azul..... Rafting photos to come.


hi mum, hi dad.

now we are in bonito and it`s a lot better than Pantanal ! even though it was kind of nice..

today we went to the blue lake cave and soon we are going rafting. it will be really funny.

i miss y`all a lot. tell Alan they also lost my suitcase in this trip but that i got my one back before he did :p 


see you soon.

Celinha to parents

Hi mom and dad,

I miss you soooooo much!! We are now in Bonito and we are having lots of fun!!
Today we went to The Blue Lake Cave and it was awesome, everything is so pretty there and it gives us the illusion that the water is naturally blue. 

Later on today we are going rafting and i bet we will laugh an awful lot!!!

beijinhos novamente.
hi mom hi dad!
today we r going rafting and earlier we went to a beautiful cave called the blue lake cave. I am having an AWSOME time and i really miss u!! You would really love it here <3 !! See you soon!!
Beijos e Queiosss!!

Betina to parents

How is everything going there? I miss you two very very much, Today we went to the Gruta do Lago Azul remember? It was beautiful.Yesterday I had a lot of fun. We had a lovely dinner and we got to buy some things.
I miss you two very much, lots of love,

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011


MUm and Dad I love you very much and i miss you a lot... I already got to bonito and its beautiful .
LOve you !!!!!!!!!!
PS: Miss Debbie and Ms. Alice are awesome


hi, I  loved pantanal very much, but now we are here in bonito, and its the cutest place in the world! We are going to walk around the town tonight. Tomorrow we will go floating down the Rio Prata.
Love you Mainha, I'll call you tomorrow
ps - tell Dad to answer the phone when i call please

carlos o

Hi mom, I love you and I had lots of fun with miss Debbie. See you saturday, :D

some pictures from the pantanal

 caiman at sunset
 caiman at sunrise
 Camp site

 Matheus, Giancarlo, Lucas and Ivo - setting pitfall traps to collect bugs
 Celia, Stephanie and Ana - using sweep nets
 View from the pousada
 Listening to a lecture about the Pantanal
 Every pousada has a football pitch!!!!
 Fred using sweep net
 Jabiru stork
 Ms Debs and Ms Alice at the camp site
 More sunset views

 Horse riding through the Pantanal

 Night in the camp site - listening to a local musician
 Cattle grid
 Pantanl cowboys moving cattle
The girls eating churrasco with a view of the high waters (and caiman) in the background

From Ms Debs

We have now arrived safe and sound in Bonito. The children are currently enjoying some free time by the swimming pool and later this evening they will dress up a little before we head into Bonito town. There they will be eating dinner and then wondering around the town where they can visit the aquarium, eat ice cream and shop for some souvenirs... all before heading back to the hotel to watch the football match this evening!!!!
And yes - I will ask more of them to write on the blog and I'll add some more photos this evening.

terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011

From Ms Debs

Tonight is our last night in the Pantanal. The students have spent the day returning from the campsite, dissecting piranha, fishing for piranha and even some horse riding for those that wanted.
Tomorrow we head off very early to make our way to Bonito. We will be travelling all day but using a variety of methods... boats, trucks, walking and bus!!
Bonito holds a variety of other activities - floating down a river, visiting caves and more.
We will keep you posted....

Matheus to Mum & Dad

Mum everything is awsome! Iam really loving all this. Yesterday we went camping. its all great .
Sorry icant write to much cause i dont have time
Bye Mum & Dad


Hi mom and dad!!

I miss you guys soo much!! We are having loootssss of fun here and the camping was actually very nice!
Today we went Piranha fishing but i didnt catch anything.. ¬¬ hahahahahaha.

No mosquitos have touched me yet :)))) hahahaha

beeeeeeeiijooosss e beeeeeiiijooooooooss amo voces!!


Betina to parents

I miss you two very much, yesterday I went camping, it was wonderful!! We ate arroz carreteiro, yummy!! When we got back we took a shower and then we did the piranha disection... A bit disgusting I must say... It was interesting overall, I learned lot of things!Then I wet piranha fishing, I didn't get any, although I observed the view and other animals, BEAUTIFUL!! Then I went horse-back riding in the water, It was a short trip, 20 min,but it was extremely beautiful because it was almost sun set and the view of the trees and the water was beautiful. I did not get to take many pictures, although the teachers had the professional cameras and I'm sure that they will share the pictures with us. I wish every thing is all right over there, did you get to go to the Italia ice cream shop?  I love you both very much. I thnk you wrote 2 comments, although I just saw 1 of them, the computer is blocking the page.. I miss you 2 very much, lots of love,

clarisse to my parents

hi mum and dad,
i`m having a lovely time at the pantanal
yestarday i went to the camping side and it was really funny ahahhahaahhaah

i miss you all soo muuch love you!

clarisse linda

Ivo to parents

hi  mum 
I miss you a lot and I am really enjoying here
bye Ivo

segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011

More Photos

Collecting specimens from the pond, an Amadillo and gatherinhg data for micro-climate research.

Some Photos

At the Airport

Dinner Time

Working Hard

patch whyte

dear mom and dad,

           i am having a lot of fun here. the food is great and my bed is comfy. i miss you,
 lola and nic soooooooooooooo much but i am having a great time here to.

lots of love


helloooo! hahahah, we are having lots of fun here! In some minutes we are going to camp by boat, ita very cold here, but its nothing ocmpaed to the view or the wild animals here. byee


Hi mum and dad ,
the pantanal is great and i am having lots of fun. There are lots  of things and animals i have never seen before..
Love you and miss you

Betina to Parents

I am in pantanal and miss debs managed to get the interent cable!! I miss you to very much and I am really liking oit here, lots of fun!! Hope everything is alright there in rio!! kisses and hugs


Back on line again!

Dear Parents,

We arrived safe and sound at the Fazenda yesterday only to find that the Internet was down. Luckily a technician came early this morning to fix the connection, which is now working.

The children had an adventurous day yesterday, leaving Miranda at 07:00 hrs and going to the Fazenda by coach, truck and boat. We arrived just in time for a hearty lunch!

There is a lot of water in the Pantanal this year. Locals say it is the most they have seen for some 25 years! However, we have seen quite a lot of different birds and animals since arriving, including Capybaras, Red brocket deer and, of course, Caymen.

This morning after breakfast, the children split into two groups, one doing micro-climates and the other doing water sampling. This afternoon everyone is going camping. We have decided not to camp two nights but to all go for one night.

We will get some children's comments and photos up later, once the morning activities are complete.

Everyone is well and very happy.

Kind regards,

Mr. Robert

sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Campo Grande Native Museum

From Celinha to my Parents

Hi mom and dad!!
The flight was very good but also very tireing. We had lots of fun on the way here and I havent been beaten by anything yet.. hahaha.

love you and miss you!!

beijinhos, Celinha .


hi mommy and daddy,
i miss u all so much! Even though just talked to you...my throat hurts a lot but ill be fine haha. Tell the boys that i said hi to them!!
Love you alll,
Manddyyy :D (and claire...and cels... :D)

Clarisse to family

Dear Family im really enjoying the trip. i miss you all

tell maria clara not to cry anymore. im fine : )

love you al soo muuchh!

clarisse linda  neta favorita :D


Hellu MUM, Hellu DAD!!!
I miss you very very very much! The trip was a bit exausting but I enjoyed it overall!! We are going to pantanal tomorow and I will call you both tomorow morining to say if there is going to be any signal at all over there. The hotel is very pretty although we are only going to saty here for one night. The bus was very confortable and the food is also very good. It is not that cold at night as I thought it would be. It was a very warm day today. We are all on this place on the hotel, where we all are playing games and other things.I love you and miss you very much !XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO


P.S. Miss you a lot!!bye bye, I will call you and if I can't i will blog you every night ok?? kiss kiss hug hug!


Good evening parents... we have arrived safe and sound in Miranda after a lday of travelling and an afternoon at a native indian museum. The students are currently enjoying some free time playing table tennis and pool before some dinner.
We will be up very early tomorrow morning to complete the final leg of our journey into the Pantanal and to the Fazenda Xaraes. We should be arriving there by 11am and will be ready to start our afternoon activities after some lunch.

sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

Getting Ready

Thank you to Ms. Deborah for setting up the Blog. I am really looking forward to the trip and hope to see you all at Santos Dumont Airport early tomorrow morning.

All the best,

Mr. Robert.

Hello and welcome

Welcome to the Barra site Pantanal 2011 blog.
We will begin posting from Miranda - our first over night stop.
See you all tomorrow at the airport Santos Dumont at 05:30.